3 Goals to Help Your Family Focus This Fall

By Jonathan PittsImage

Whether your children are starting back to school in mid August or post Labor Day, you have crossed the mid summer hump, and now is the time to start planning your fall!  Right about now you are remembering the days of proper bedtimes, school supplies, uniforms, backpacks, and an endless list of other much needed items!

Well, as you begin to plan your shcedule, remember to set aside time to refocus your family’s collective relationship with Christ.  Take time to make sure that you are setting  aside time to spur each family member on towards these 3 important goals:  1. Grace-Based, Gospel Centered Living, 2. Spiritual Growth and 3. Service…

1. Grace Based, Gospel Centered Living

Take time each day to admit your failures and offenses to the Lord as a family when you are able.  There is nothing more freeing for your children than to realize that their parents aren’t perfect and just as dependent on the grace of God.  Your transparency and child-like faith will teach them to have that same transparency and continual dependence on the Lord.

2. Spiritual Growth

Your discipline is critical to your children developing discipline.  They will learn what you do, not what you say.  Take 15 minutes as a family after each meal or before bedtime to:

1. Talk about your day 

2. Pray as a family

3. Start your family on our bible reading plan or utilize a devotional like http://www.cbhministries.org/ForKids/KeysforKids/ReadListen.aspx

Salvation is free, but growth will cost you something.  Just like exercise you won’t see the results until the work is done.   

3. Service

Our children are born self-centered and will not naturally begin serving others, including the family, without training.  It is more work for us, often times, to teach our children how to sweep the floor, empty the dishwasher, and clean up after themselves, but it is worth the effort.  Once you start creating these habits, you will soon be surprised to see you children, albeit slowly, serving of their own free will! 

Find different ways to not only serve each other as a family, but to find needs that your neighbors might have as well your church and other local ministries and service organizations.

These are just 3 goals to get you started, do you have others? Share the spiritual goals your family sets as you switch from 3 months of busy yet routine-less days to schedules and school work!

About For Girls Like You Magazine

Hi! I am so glad you are here. I am the proud wife of Jonathan and momma of FOUR little Girls, Alena, Kaitlyn, Camryn and Olivia! I am also the editor and founder of For Girls Like You Magazine! This blog is just one piece of the resources we have available for you! Find out more about me on the "A Little About Me" page! View all posts by For Girls Like You Magazine

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